Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hi everyone back home!  sitting here in the cafe again.  trying to quickly summarize my thoughts is no easy task.  so much to tell, so much to process.  jeff, hannah and joelle are sitting nearby on a balcony.  this is quite a nice bakery/cafe that is very busy and popular with locals.  we were lucky to get a spot at a computer at all.  Elias, our driver has gone to drop off two families at the airport, leaving with their children.  one family from Manitoba, the other from Windsor!  Nice connections....
well, this morning i think will rank high on my list of trip highlights.  next to meeting A.Z, of course....have i mentioned how sweet he is????  we traveled a ways to an amazing oasis in a place that lacks so much calm.  it is the hamlin fistula hospital.  perhaps some of you have heard of the book "Hospital by the River" or seen a documentary on it.  worth "googling" for sure....wow, this place was amazing.  we had a tour by a sweet tour guide, and learned about this facility that is offering hope to many of ethiopia's wounded.  it is a complete holistic approach, and they are so much about providing healing to these women who have been cast aside by society around them.  fistulas are extremely common due to prolonged labour and other factors, but this hospital is offering surgery free of charge.  pre and post natal care, basic life skills training, emotional intervention for the years of grief and trauma they've faced as they've dealt with the social implications of living with a fistula, and often the still birth of their children.  anyway, i could go on and on... the grounds were so beautiful.  off a dirt road with so little greenery was this tranquil place with lush tropical flowers and grass and vines.  you could smell the fresh flowers, quite a contrast to the ethiopian streets.  we saw a woman who had just had a second delivery (i assume she lost the first) by c-section and the baby was swaddled tightly on the bed.  she has been given hope and a future through the wonder of this place.  apparently the founder is now 86 years old, a woman from Australia.  she still operates once a week, all without eyeglasses.  yikes...talk about investing in a country for the long-term....love that.  anyway, the ride to and from the hospital was equally intriguing.  wait till i show joe the pics of the scaffolding they use here.  oh my.  hannah has lost track of the number of men we've seen peeing on the streets.  there are incredibly sad cases of orthopedic injuries and swollen limbs, these people often resorting to begging on the street. likely injuries and conditions so treatable in canada.  one young women approached our van on a busy street, asking the Canadian woman in front of me if she would please take her baby.  she was wearing a small baby on her back, and her eyes lacked such hope....this has been amazing, and given us four such insight into Zake's birth country already.  tomorrow we are planning an excursion with another family.  perhaps a hike up a mountain that some are recommending.  we cannot wait until court on Thursday, to hopefully make this official.  we are hoping and praying we pass first time, because we'd be so disappointed if we weren't able to see Zake on Saturday.  he is so darling, and Adam, Layla and Hudson are going to be as smitten as we already are....
love to all back home.  hugs to our dear kids.  we truly miss you three.  we speak of you often and imagine what you would say about things here.  will try to update again tomorrow, but if not, then definitely on Thursday after court....


  1. Wow, what an experience for you all! We're living vicariously through you right now as we continue to wait. Love and prayers!

    the de Boer clan :o)

  2. Reading this has twisted my heart for good and bad. God is moving you guys beyond anything imagined from back home. "The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous run into it."

  3. I am so excited for you guys!! Have a great rest of your time there! I miss you guys :)


  4. Hey Shana, Jeff. Joelle, and Hannah!
    I hope you guys are having an amazing time, which I know you are from what I have been reading!
    I could not stop reading any of the blogs. They are just to good. You guys are so blessed to be able to go on a trip like this. I would love to adopt a little kid from another country and go experience what they live everyday! You guys are awesome and inspire me!!!
    I will be thinking of you and how much fun you will be having while I run my 3km race tomorrow here in Sarnia!! (oh boy) :P
    I can not wait to hear more!
    And I can not wait until you get back so you can show me TONS of pictures and tell me stories over a nice Vanderslaght meal! How does that sound!! :D
    Love of love from: ~Amy B.

  5. Wow! I would love to go to Africa one day and see all the cool things you have been talking about:) God Bless, Have fun :P

    Modupe Obiri

  6. Hi Everyone,
    I was really interested in your description of the fistula hospital. I saw a show about it many years ago and it has never left my mind - How great that you were able to go there! Praying for you for Thursday.....
    Maureen Torma

  7. Hey Hannah and Joelle!
    We missed you at the IMPACT event last night! We talked about some of the things we will be doing at the Harvest Party.
