Monday, December 20, 2010

saying good-bye

heading to the airport in about an hour. mixed emotions from both of us. feels strange, knowing it will likely be many years before we return to this amazing place. so thankful for what Ethiopia has shown us, taught us, given us...too many thoughts to put in this post when i still have some packing to do. so, i'll close with one really funny thing that still has us laughing from earlier this week. we were having some soccer balls pumped up at a little roadside shop, and the guy working there had this pink hoodie on. it read "i'd trade my boyfriend for a john deere tractor"....just one of the classic shirts we saw worn around the city. see you all soon. thanks again for praying us through and sharing in the journey. we're so blessed by you!

1 comment:

  1. I've been praying and praying that the weather cooperates for you to return home. Hope your trip is going well, and moving along! Hugs.
