Thursday, December 30, 2010


before AJ came home, a thought that frequently went through our minds (ok, my mind only) was "we've missed so much with him already".  in reality, however, even though his first few years were spent apart from us, we are currently experiencing many "firsts" of our own with this amazing kid.  and they are just as exciting to us as experiencing them with a newborn during the first year of life.  i have such a strong opinion (shocking that i would have a strong opinion, i know) that toddler adoption or older child adoption can be as completely fulfilling as infant adoption.  "easy for you to say now, while things are going smoothly", you're probably thinking.  fair enough.  although, i do read about and know of many adoption stories from real life people that would support this claim.  granted, there is always more to consider and the stakes are even higher, perhaps, when considering attachment and early trauma or hurt in the child's life prior to adoption.  after all, adoption is only necessary because of loss and pain in the first place.  maybe that is why the joy that often accompanies adoption is even that much more sweet when the child is a bit older. 
i am certainly not an expert.  so far from it.  what i do know is that AJ is proving to be incredibly resilient and very bright.  here are a few pictures capturing some of his "firsts"...

first van ride, leaving the transition home

          first close up mug shot, really just because i thought it was cute! :)

first towel wrap after first bath....he's like "who is this pale lady (who looks as though she's been bawling, but actually wasn't.  not that time, at least) gushing over me??"

first wrestling match and resulting giggle-fest with daddy.  unfortunately, last wrestling match for awhile until his enlarged spleen is resolved...

                                                                       and another...

first night with us after first bath.  tuckered out after first day with new parents.  the familiar ping-pong ball was there with him for comfort...

first breakfast of scrambled eggs made by the amazing KVI cook, Zeneba...he was focused and purposeful, and very capable with a spoon.  his early favourites at mealtime were eggs, french toast and warm milk...

there you have it~ some early firsts worth noting...we hope to have many more in the months to come.

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