Monday, December 13, 2010


ok...taking a deep breath.  nothing like crazy high intense excitement and curve balls right up to the final, the latest is this.  the highway route is out.  i guess considering it is closed and all. :) however, the train is in...thanks to a few who suggested it, we booked with Via and will leave this evening!!!  we will arrive in TO after all, stay in a hotel for a short sleep, and be up early in the morning for our first flight out.  overnighting in London, then on to Frankfurt, and finally (what will feel like three weeks later) we'll arrive in Addis on the Wednesday evening.  assuming, of course, that the snow doesn't interfere with function at the airport tomorrow morning.  i mean, what are the chances of that really....
so, Lord willing we'll be back in TO on the 21st, with AJ in tow, just in time for Christmas.  i'm beyond grateful.  so overwhelmed.  so in awe.  so totally speechless about this entire adventure. 
might not have a lot of internet time before Thursday, but we'll try to update if there is a place to do so.  thanks again to our amazing families and friends and church.  we love you all!!


  1. Hey Shan, So great... love to you all... we will be waiting and praying as you meet AJ again that all will go well. Enjoy the relaxing train ride okay.. take the time to take a deep breath... :) love ya tons
    B, J, V, S, L

  2. We are so excited for you guys. Wishing you safe travels. I have been thinking about you guys all day in this CRAZY weather ... so happy you got your early morning phone call. Have a safe and exciting journey!!

  3. Jeff, I cancelled my appointment this morning ( Amy wrestling) and heard the good news. Martha, Amy and I wish you and Shana the best.I will wait at the table of pain to hear about your trip.

  4. YAY! Oh you guys I'm SO excited for you!! What an answer to prayer and a wonderful Christmas present! I'm praying that you have safe travels, that the weather cooperates and that everything goes smoothly!


  5. Rejoicing with you!!! We'll be waiting in much anticipation for your return with your AJ. I'll be praying. Hugs, Ann

  6. So happy for your family! What a blessing to have AJ home for his first Christmas! Enjoy your Christmas Miracle!
    Love to you both as you travel.
    Kelly and Shawn
