Friday, January 28, 2011

the brink

i've been gone for so long.  believe me, it feels much longer than it was.  4/8 of our crew have been down with the flu, (or some freakish variation of it that i wouldn't wish on anyone).  we feel as though we're clawing our way back from the brink, and hoping that the count stays at 50% (amazing math skills, i know).  i hope to be back to posting really soon, but i know that sleep is important for survival my health and i will do the right thing and get to bed shortly.  one thing is true about this bunch of us.  we're consistent.  rarely do we ever get through January unscathed by some virus or gastro-thing taking some of us as victims.  Christmas~ no problem.  January~ beware.  so, this too shall pass.  more normal, non-germ related blogging soon....


  1. Glad to hear your at least slowly getting back to the norm, Shana!

  2. Must be global...we had ours 2 weeks ago now.
    Hope you are feeling better soon.

  3. hope you all feel better soon! i miss the blog posts!!!!! :)

  4. My friend, feel well soon.
    Thinking of you and praying for your family as you all recoup.
