Thursday, January 20, 2011

photos by Hannah

seriously, no posing happened here.  this is how Hannah found these two brothers....on my gorgeous couch!  that i now love! 

a bit of chocolate and scrumptious is that??

I know in just a short while they'll be duking it out over something or other, because brothers do that (hi my dear brothers Joseph and Timothy :)) but for now, the love is flowing and the arms are squeezing and it's so sweet.

thanks sweet Hannah.  you did great!  keep the pictures coming, k?
side note~ don't even think about asking me for the couch.  it is not for sale...


  1. Great pics Hannah! I enjoyed this blog post!
    Beautiful family indeed....

  2. aaww....Hannah you are such a good photographer! :P


  3. Way to go HAM!! You did a great job with these pics! Thanks for sharing them with us all :)
    love all 8 of you
    Aunt B and Uncy
