Friday, November 12, 2010


seems strange for me to be sharing book recommendations.  i read like four books a year.  seriously.  pathetic, i know...i love to read, it's not that....the reality is that often sleep trumps reading when i'm afforded the blissful quiet time to do either....or when i actually start to read i simply don't last more than a few chapters at a time before my eyelids protest and drop.  someday that will change (and i'll miss the chaos busyness) the moment, however, i need my book choices to have substance.  naturally i was drawn to "Scared", by Tom Davis after following his blog and orphan care ministry (in case you hadn't noticed, i'm a bit passionate about this topic), and seeing a timely facebook reminder after a dear friend read the novel and raved.  it is fiction, but tragically based on very real and devastating stories coming from Africa.  stories of pain, loss, violence, resilience, sacrifice, enduring love and faith.  woven through the novel is an inspiring call to action.  I brought it with me on our recent trip to Ethiopia, but didn't get as far into it as i'd hoped.  i was a bit caught off guard by my own emotions tied to meeting our son, his family and the court process.  the book wasn't on the radar much that week...tonight i finished it, and it left me with a deeper desire to give of my abundance.  not to wallow in guilt, but to remember those all around me and across the globe who are without.  if you get a chance, scoop it up at a library or add it to a Christmas list.  so worth the read.  and yes, i'll be returning the copy i have to the church library tomorrow! ;)  next up on the list: "The Color of Water" by James McBride and "The Connected Child" by Karyn B. Purvis.  not necessarily in that order.  see you in about six to eight months for the reviews.  try to contain your anticipation without holding your breath. k?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. sounds like a good christmas presant for my mom!!! :)

  3. i was wondering if you'd liked the was so amazing, wasn't it?
    And no pink tardy slips from the church library just yet! LOL

  4. Hi Shana! Yes, I read SCARED a few months ago and couldn't stop thinking about it for weeks. It really opened my eyes to the injustices that people around the world face on a daily basis. I haven't heard of the other two books you mentioned, but I might check them out now that you've given us the titles.
    Have a great day!
    Steph :)

  5. Hoo boy! That was a good book! I felt like jumping on a plane a few times while reading it. The house kind of fell apart while I read it.

    The Connected Child is excellent too. I just finished reading it last week. I'm making Murray read it too. Now I'm reading Adopting the Older Child by Claudia L. Jewett and Adopting the Hurt Child by Gregory C. Keck.

