Friday, November 19, 2010

en route

finally....the documents, all of them are on their way via DHL to Nairobi Kenya where they will travel to the High Commission.  then we await the final step~ the issuance of a visa.  and it isn't until they arrive that we are officially waiting for this last step to be processed and completed.  I'll track the package but i expect by Monday or Tuesday it should be there....this week has shown me that apparently i haven't learned all i need to know about exercising patience.  the Oxford dictionary describes patience as "the calm endurance of hardship, provocation, pain, delay, etc."  me, patient?  not so much....i'm so thankful God is so graceful and patient with me because i clearly have a long way to go....


  1. I feel your pain! I'm glad God's patience is more abundant than ours. He is so gracious to us.


  2. I have a feeling you are in good company.
    I think it would be quite odd to be calmly persevering at this stage of the game without any excitement, anxiety and occasionally freaking-out inside (maybe outside too).
    Lots of love and prayers.

  3. thanks be honest, the waiting is getting old, but that's my very weak and human nature speaking. i know God's got it all carefully orchestrated in His plan. it's that whole "know it in my head, but struggle to feel it in my heart" scenario...Deborah, praying for your heart as well as you wait the arrival of the three wee ones. can't wait to celebrate with you!
