Tuesday, April 5, 2011

another first

such a fun weekend...still find myself thinking lots about our time in Ajax.  seriously, it is not lost on me that we are finally together and beyond the journey to AJ.  so many times in my week, whether i'm wiping his little brown bottom or listening to his feet toddle through the house, or looking out the window to the kids leading him around outside~ it hits me that he's here.  all over again! 
back to the weekend.  we had a mini break from the usual routine and spent the night in the Toronto area for a wrestling tournament (who knew i'd love this sport as much as i do??  seriously, four of the kids wrestled, and did so with such grit and improvement that it was hard not to enjoy watching the day unfold). 
back to the hotel...what's not to love about a hotel with a pool?!  the whole experience is still super exciting for our crew, likely because it doesn't happen all that often.  :)  for obvious reasons.....we managed to find a suite that mostly accommodated us, with only two sleeping on a makeshift bed on the floor.  thankfully, we had willing volunteers.  layla slept in a double bed with AJ and had me smiling at bedtime with her usual gushiness.  she was settling in, AJ close beside her, and she was gently rubbing his back.  she said "mom, this is what i've allllwwwways planned, to get to sleep beside AJ"...so glad we could make your dream come true Lay, and all for just over a hundred bucks!!!!  it was almost believable and so sweet.  before bedtime we went down to enjoy the pool and hot tub.  funny, funny, funny....AJ could not wrap his head around the idea of getting wet WITH clothes on.  to him it must have looked like a giant bathtub!!  he watched us get in the water, and very quickly decided to go with Joelle into the pool.  he stepped out with his bathing suit dripping wet and kept saying "nooooo....AJ....pants.....wet" and shaking his head like this was pure silliness to him.  then he was back in the water, seemingly fearless (yikes!  backyard pool!) and just kind of flailing his arms and legs all over the place.  he didn't care if his face was wet.  at one point i told him he didn't have to go right to attempting the butterfly stroke on his first swimming experience.  the arms were halfway there, let me tell you...he loved jumping in off the side.  "one, two, three, go....."  splashhhh......"again!", and so the cycle went....then it was back to the room for an indulgent snack of some chips and chocolate (didn't think it was the right time to pull out the carrot sticks). 
it was pure, simple togetherness that was hard to beat.  as we drove home after the tournament, with most little people sound asleep, i looked in my rearview mirror, took stock and counted my blessings.


  1. Hi Shana,
    Sounds like a great time away packed with new wonderful memories!

  2. oh how i long to celebrate with you Kelly....hold fast, your day is coming...

  3. Awww, Shana, I LOVE reading your posts! They're so heartwarming and encouraging. It's nice to read that there eventually is another side to the waiting.


  4. and your day too Deborah....so excited for your family as well!! :) praying for both of my fellow adoptive friends...it is soooo worth the wait.
