Sunday, October 3, 2010

To Ethiopia, with Love

Seriously, I have the very best KidJam class at my church. A very fun and lively (translated: chatty :) ) grade 5/6 class of approximately ten kids. For the past four weeks they have been gathering donations for us to take to the children of Ethiopia. We will be visiting three different orphanages while there, and I can almost picture the excited little faces of the wee ones receiving these treasures. New flip flops, crocs, toothbrushes, toys, bubbles, socks, clothes and candy. Can't wait to dish out these treasures!! Thanks so much class! I love each one of you, and can't wait to share pictures and stories with you when we return.


  1. Yes we are the best!! I can't wait to here more about your trip and i miss you guys(especially Hannah :D ) even though you haven't left yet!
    Have a great trip!!

  2. love you aynsley! you are a terrific kid! hannah thinks so too...I'm so thankful you two are friends. we'll tell you all about Eth. when we get home, k?
    love Mrs. V.
