Tuesday, October 11, 2011

this moves me

is it possible to recommend a book even before reading it?  i have been following the blog of Katie Davis for a long time now.  she doesn't blog daily, or even weekly, because she is a little busy raising over a dozen children, but when she does it is always profound.  the story of her life moves me soooo deeply, and often i'll be reading her words with tears streaming down my face.  her faith inspires me.  her trust shocks me.  her sacrifice humbles me.  her love for orphans excites me.  her journey makes me want to stretch myself.  to love unconditionally.  to care less about stuff and more about people.  to follow Christ with more resolve than the day before.  she is truly the hands and feet of Jesus to so many desperate ones in Uganda, day in and day out...well, her story is now in print and i couldn't be more excited to read it!  (once you click on the second link above, scroll down a bit and watch the short video where she shares a bit of her story) i will be ordering at least a few copies, and i can't think of a better purchase with Christmas coming and all of us needing a reminder of the BEST gift ever~ God's Son.  i truly pray that many lives will be forever changed as they read her story~ that we'll all be more "checked in" to the needs around us.  so many hurt.  so many are hungry.  so many are lonely.  so many suffer.  so many are lost.  so many are fatherless.  not to be a downer, cuz i really just prefer the days this blog leaves you all warm and fuzzy :), but the reality is that we have it SOOOOO good in North America.  can't we all use the wake up call?  hope you'll read too, and be inspired...if you do~ please share with me!  i'd love to hear...

Katie's Book

1 comment:

  1. that video is pretty neat! I started watching it, and my mom walked into the room and thought it was you! :)
