Tuesday, May 31, 2011

window and wind

today my mom and i observed something quite cute while poolside with our little fish, aka AJ.  he was back in the pool, for the second round (and it was still morning) of jump in-get out-jump in-throw in a beach-type ball, retrieve it-get out-and repeat....you get the idea (pool post with pictures coming soon~ this kid is even more crazy adorable when wet.  no bias here, because it's just the truth :) )...we were commenting that the wind was blowing the ball in a certain direction.  he repeated us, like he often does, and it was something like "window, blowing, ball"...we corrected him and tried to plainly explain that a window was the thing we pointed to on the house, the rectangular shaped glass that we looked through.  but the wind was something that you could feel with your hands in the air.  a cool breeze blowing on a hot day.  well, he wasn't getting it, but not for lack of trying.  he kept clarifying, and trying to fit the right word into his sentence at the right time.  however, he still kept using the word "window" for "wind"...my mom noted how hard it was to describe something you couldn't actually see, to a three year old no less, and she directed AJ to look at the towels on the line, blowing in the wind.  "oh, wind!" AJ said....well, i think he did get it right eventually, but who knows if that was just a lucky guess.  he had a 50/50 chance, after all...what is clear is how much he literally soaks in new information.  he is listening, growing, changing, speaking and communicating so much in such a short amount of time.  leaves me marveling at the human brain of a child.  if you dropped me in Ethiopia and submerged me in the Amharic language with no English connections~ i'd be miles behind where he is at five months in Canada.  but it sure would be fun to try.....aaahhhhhhh....brief pause as i flashback to our wonderful trips to that amazing land.........................................................ok, i'm back.  am missing our large stash of Ethiopian coffee, however, as the last bag has officially been brewed.  yep, sad day here when the final cup was poured.....sorry, off on a little wee tangent there...

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