Tuesday, April 26, 2011

the first helmet

when AJ arrived home, two of my aunts blessed us with a gift card from Toys R Us.  i waited for awhile to see just what AJ needed and would enjoy as well.  so, a few weeks ago i went out to locate the perfect bike helmet for our little man.  not that he's ever done one full rotation of the pedals on a bike, but whatever...he'd rather shuffle along with his feet on the ground.  i know these days are short lived, and soon i'll be watching with nervous fear as he performs daring stunts, as learned from his older cousins (not mentioning L and D!!) and brothers.

yep...my aunts should be pleased to know the helmet is a hit.  a huge hit.  for the first week, he ate with it on....

he played with it on....

he slept with it on.......
actually, he didn't.  this is just a prank we're playing on you blog readers.  as you can see by the smile "AJ~ joking".  he probably would have tried to sleep with it on, if i thought it was wise and allowed him.  i decided against it, considering the potential need for physiotherapy after a full night with a helmet on.  even though i do know a super talented physio, who is also kind of cute.... :)  now that he has a "McQueen" helmet of his very own, he no longer needs to walk around wearing Joelle or Adam's helmet.  they are pleased about that. 

1 comment:

  1. Lol! I wondered at the fact that AJ could smile in his sleep. I'm glad to know there will be many firsts to celebrate.

