Thursday, March 17, 2011

march madness's that time of year again.  march break and the ensuing march madness.  while we are a family that enjoys basketball, and while all eight of us have filled out our march madness brackets for the NCAA tournaments (well, as you can imagine, AJ needed a little help) for our own family competition, this isn't the madness i'm referring to. 
rather, the five days tucked in the middle of march that are wide open for creative possibilities (for a not-very-creative-mom~ don't act surprised by that!!).  five days with my six little peeps all home, under my care and basking in the glow of sibling harmony and unstructured play....ahem....sort of....
actually, in all honesty there are occasions of momentary panic for me leading up to the annual break from school and routine.  thankfully, it's one of those things that i've learned i tend to fear more than i need to.  this year, as in the most recent years, i start scheming and planning early.  best way to survive and enjoy it.  Monday was a perfect day for my oldest and i to escape stateside for some much needed shopping.  graduation is coming (how did that happen??)!!  it was awesome to have the time, just the two of us, to do some dress shopping.  i love my Joelle so much, and her personality shines through so clearly on days like Monday.  it was a success, and i hope she enjoyed it as much as i did.  Tuesday i'd been planning some playdates for three of the kids (why not?!) so there was added excitement here for sure.  lunch~ one big box of bagel bites, pb&j sandwiches, a few oranges and pears, yogurt and they were good to go, off and running,  in and out.  i looked at the nine sitting at my table (what did i ever do without those amazing benches, dad??) and had a moment of silence for the Duggar family.  how do they stay sane manage???  anyway, i digress....the weather has gotten progressively warmer this week, so the inside madness has reduced some as the energy has shifted outdoors.  so happy for sunny days and rain boots for puddles and trampolines and bikes.  (AJ has discovered the warmer world outside the walls of our home.  his new love affair with the outdoors will require an entire post of its own~ but it is super cute, except for the meltdown when he's brought back inside)  Wednesday was a trip to a local bookstore with a gift card (thanks Judy! :)) and the fun opportunity for the kids to choose a new book from the many shelves of enticing stories.  they really took it seriously and a few were so torn.  finally decisions were made, we left and all seemed pleased with their choices.  AJ was a little too friendly there, and it served as another reminder of the attachment that has yet to form.  Hannah and Adam finished their novels same day, and there's even been some book swapping.  there's also been much sorting of clothes this week as we switch closets and dressers over to spring/summer from fall/winter.  i need the little people here to check sizing, that's been productive.  today, a birthday party, sleepovers, games with grandma etc...Friday is coming, and the week has flown by.  we've survived eachother's presence, and even enjoyed it overall!  i love that spring is showing itself now, and that soon the heaping, endless, massive piles of snow from winter 2010/11 will be but a distant memory...
yes, march does include some madness, no denying it.  but i'll never forget what my pediatric nursing teacher used to tell me back in my early clinical days.  she was talking about having children, and referring to her own.  she always said "when the time comes, consciously enjoy it, always remember to enjoy goes so fast"  i do try to remember this, yet definitely am not always successful at capturing the joy when i should.  it's a lot of juggling and a certain amount must get done to keep the ship afloat, however, i am thankful beyond words for this crew of mine.  no doubt the madness will extend beyond march.  i say "BRING IT!!!"

1 comment:

  1. hey..i was one of those play dates planned, planted on the bench next to Joelle and of course my friend Hudson, eating that delicious lunch! good day, good times! :)
