Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Birthday Love From Afar...Sept. 23rd, 2010

Well, this evening A.Z's birthday was not lost on us.  Even though night had fallen in Ethiopia, and our little fella was probably fast asleep, (or so we hope...this child needs to have decent sleep routines, is that too much to ask?? :)) there was dessert to be decorated here in honour of his third birthday.  So, the kids did a fabulous job of decorating a cookie pizza with loads of M&M's (have you tried the peanut butter kind??  where have they been all this time?? very scrumptious!) and personalizing their own little section.  Good memories for my children to celebrate their brother-to-be, and to share with him someday soon....

My mom even surprised us with a sweet plush frog to bring to Zake when we pick him up.  She also wrote a special "keepsake" card to remember this "season of waiting" when all we have is a picture to gaze at and a name to pray for.  Thanks Mom!


  1. This post brought tears to my eyes! So glad you have this blogging thing figured out now :o).What an awesome family Zake is coming home to!!


  2. first comment! Thanks Deborah....I know you get this whole waiting thing.
    blessings to you too!

  3. man, Shan...where has this blog been? More accurately, where have I BEEN? I just realized I should not read this at work, as now I can hardly see through the blurryness of tears! How exciting for your family! Love LOVE the frog, Gramma VR!!!
    Can't wait to meet your little boy.
